08 January 2007

dance all night

A week into the year...
Last year was very, I must say interesting...A lot of gains and losses led to various changes in my short life. Life is still happening around me, and that I am glad of. Saddam did not make it into 2007. Some people all over the world live their last minutes with such injustice. Maybe one person I truly hate is BUSH. I got enough and more reasons to back up this emotion. Well...hate has been difficult for me, but he has crossed too many thresholds I say. Death penalty is the sickest punishment ever evolved by democratic law. Death is not in any way an ethical thing to inflict upon another. Saddam inflicted this horror upon millions, Bush over billions. Looking at it, then even Bush is to die (according to this logic). No human being has the right to say that one should be put to death. This year started in the most relaxed way it had ever happened. After last New Year and the quiet guitar playing in my house, I lost hope of a good get together. However...fun is truly what you create for yourself. It is time to lose yourself in a completely different way. I don't drink or take any such artificial paths to a high... I just generally am...hehehe.... We danced the whole night...danced and spoke....and shouted and screamed... wished each other..... i danced with my sis and some really great friends.....and i had amazing fun seeing people get drunk...hehhehhe.... Morning, or that's what I call it whenever I get up, I read Roald Dahl..that too a murder mystery. Amaziiiiingg. Lamb to the Slaughter.... I just love this year.. I presume everything is going well...things will go wrong..but oh I am there to make things right for myself... Lol... wokay....byee.

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